Go ahead, grab a tissue. I can wait.
This video reminds me of one of my all time favorite songs -- the Dave Matthews song -- Everyday. The video has a guy just walking around NYC asking people for hugs. The reactions from people are priceless. I remember when this first came out. I would play it in the car with the kids as I drove them around. We had hand motions to go with the words. "Pick me up love, from the bottom, up to the top, love, everyday."
There's something so pure and simple about the universal desire to make a connection and feel loved. It's not that complicated. It's not easy to make yourself vulnerable, as you just never know what someone is going to say when you share your admiration for him.
You know what's interesting? Soul Pancake quoted research that states that people feel better giving compliments as opposed to getting them. Funny how that works, eh? You actually get more when you give than when you receive.
Take today to tell someone how you feel. Really feel. It will do you a world of good. And you just might be surprised what they say back to you.
We are connected to each other in ways that we can't explain. But somehow or another, the right people fall into your life just when you need them -- or they need you. Don't let precious time slip away, say what you have to say.
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