There are days, weeks, even, where you feel like you are firing on all cylinders.
You know what I mean.
When you wake up on time without an alarm. When the sun shines and the lights all turn green as you are driving along. When serendipity comes into play -- and all your connections magically seem to fall into place when you need them. When you open your mouth and the words tumble out, intelligently. Life is good, and you know it.
And then, just as quickly as that good feeling is building, so does the extra work.
When things are going well, the law of attraction states that more must come to you!
And before you know it, you are buried again, trying to get out from under all the work that has come your way as a result of all that good karma generated when those cylinders were all firing! The good glow fades, and the exhaustion creeps in, as you scramble to keep up with all the commitments made by you or on your behalf. Now you can barely rise when the alarm goes off, you hit snooze a few times to catch a few extra z's. Somehow, you can't seem to string words together, and writing which can often be effortless, is just a struggle.
Damned if you live it. The only other option isn't really worth discussing!
(First world problems, eh?)
I'm finding myself a bit overwhelmed. So many wonderful things happening at once. So many loose ends to tie up. So many things to analyze and adjust. Where does one start when there are so many things that need to be done? So many people pulling in so many directions? All good, truly!
Laughing to myself. This pile of work - and my clear procrastination by jotting down nonsense in my blog -- aka echolalia -- is a sign that deep slumber is near! Time to shut the brain down and turn off the lights... there is always tomorrow.
Nothing good comes when you are rushed. I need to slow down and remind myself that the world was spinning long before I arrived and it will continue long after I'm gone. As I tell my team, we're not dealing with life and death matters, no one is on the table! But when you are passionate about what you do, sometimes, you take it too seriously. And that's when you need to learn to stop and walk away and rethink, right?
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
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